Vengeance - VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav] V3 - Samples Pack Free Download

"Vengeance: VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav] V3" is a sample pack containing 50 high-quality kick drum samples designed for use in hip-hop music production. The pack is the third version of the VTR1 series released by Vengeance, a renowned producer of audio sample libraries and plugins.

These kicks have been carefully crafted to provide a range of different tones, from deep and punchy to sharp and snappy, making them suitable for a variety of hip-hop sub-genres. Each kick has been recorded and processed using top-quality equipment and techniques, ensuring that it is of the highest possible quality.

The samples are provided in WAV format, which means they can be used in any DAW or music production software that supports this format. This makes them incredibly versatile and easy to use, regardless of the software you use for your music production.

Overall, if you're looking for high-quality hip-hop kick drum samples to add to your music production arsenal, "Vengeance: VTR1 Hip-Hop Kicks [50 wAV] V3" is a great choice.

VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav]
File Size 3.4 MB
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