Vengeance - VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav] V2 - Samples Pack Free Download

"Vengeance: VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav] V2" is a sample pack that contains 50 high-quality kick drum sounds specifically designed for use in hip-hop music production. The pack is an updated version of the original Vengeance VTR1 Hiphop Kicks and includes a variety of different kick drum sounds that are suitable for different styles of hip-hop music.

Each kick drum sound in the pack is provided in WAV format, which means it can be easily imported into any digital audio workstation (DAW) or music production software. The kicks have been carefully crafted using a range of techniques, including layering, EQ, compression, and distortion, to ensure they have a powerful and punchy sound that will cut through in any mix.

Whether you're a professional music producer or an aspiring beatmaker, the Vengeance VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav] V2 pack is a valuable resource for anyone looking to add some high-quality kick drum sounds to their hip-hop tracks.
VTR1 Hiphop Kicks [50 wav]
File Size 3.1 MB
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